Eighth grade students — celebrate the end of middle school and your promotion to high school! The evening — exclusively for Lincoln 8th graders — includes a DJ, games, photo booth, giveaways, and a fantastic evening with your middle school friends!
Date — Friday, May 16, 2025
Time — Dance will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Check-in begins at 6:45 p.m. and closes at 7:30 pm. Come early and take your photo in front of Lincoln backdrop before heading inside. All students will be released through door #4 when the dance ends at 9:00 pm.
Location — Lincoln Middle School Gym: Drop off and pick up through door #4 (faces south on Crescent).
Attire — Dress attire required: dresses, skirts, dress pants, dress shirts, ties, and/or suits.
Pre-Entry Photos — Come early and take your photo in front of the Lincoln backdrop outside before heading into the dance.
Registration Information — The cost to attend is $25. There will be no physical tickets distributed. The DEADLINE TO REGISTER is FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2025, at 11:59pm. There will be NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR.
Slide Show Photos Needed — During the dance, there will be a slideshow playing “then and now” photos of the 8th grade class. Please note that once your photos are submitted, they cannot be changed. Please check with your student prior to submitting photos. Photo submissions are due by May 9th. When you are ready, you can submit your photos by clicking here.
Cell Phones — Cell phones are not allowed at the event – please leave them at home. If students bring them to the event, they will be required to turn them in at check-in for secure storage.
Volunteers — Sign-up here.
- 7th Grade Parents —Traditionally, we ask 7th-grade parents to help chaperone and assist behind the scenes so that the 8th graders can enjoy their special night without their own parents watching from the sidelines. We need volunteers to help with check-in, chaperoning during the dance, and check-out.
Your support will ensure that this event runs smoothly while also giving you a sneak peek at what’s in store for next year! Thank you in advance for making this a memorable night for our soon-to-be graduates!
- 8th Grade Parents — We need your help to make it a special night for our students! We’re looking for volunteers to assist with decorating and setting up before the dance as well as cleaning up afterward. This is a great way to contribute without having to be at the dance itself—so your kids can enjoy their big night without parental supervision! Thank you for helping us create a wonderful send-off for the Class of 2025!
Code of Conduct — The D64 code of conduct must be adhered to by all attendees.
Please speak to your child about conduct at this semi-formal event. We want to have a fun night celebrating and to avoid calling parents to pick up early during the dance.